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Parish Chest Documents 1678 - 1880

Introduction by Lynne Needham

"At the back of the Church sits a large wooden Chest with 1724 carved on it (see photo right). This was where all the Parish Documents were kept under padlock and key. 

In 1994 the contents of the chest were checked and found to contain various item that related to the administration of Parish of Horsington by the Select Vestry (Church) and also other documents that refer to how the Poor Law was administer by the Overseer of the Poor. These included many Settlement papers, Bastardy Bonds, Removal Orders, etc. I copied the information from these documents onto index cards for future reference and also extracted some of the information from the Overseer of the Poor and Select Vestry Notebooks for future reference. These documents were then deposited in the  Lincolnshire Archives along with several other books.

A list of these documents is below in the interactive box.

Additionally, I have catalogued the Settlement Papers in the PDF file at the foot of the page."

parish chest.jpg

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This document is an alphabetical list of the information taken from the settlement

papers etc found in the Horsington Parish Chest.

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