Magdelen College Macray's Archive © Magdalen College Oxford
Hale House Hale Road
Compiled by John Hart. May 2024
HALE HOUSE c. 1800
Hale House, originally the farmhouse at Hale Farm, is a two-storey Georgian brick and pantile farmhouse built c. 1800 (pictured below). The early history of the land and the occupiers of Hale Farm (see separate listing) is detailed in a separate entry in the Farms & Mills section. The first known reference to the farmhouse dates to a sale by auction in 1808 and describes...
‘A good Farm-house, with suitable Barns, Stables, and other Outbuildings, and 107A. 8R. 2P. of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, divided into 9 Closes, and in the occupation of Arthur Hebblewhite’. (Lincoln, Rutland and Stamford Mercury October 7 1808).
Hale Farm continued to be a working farm until the farmhouse (now Hale House), outbuildings and approx. five acres of adjacent land were sold into private ownership in 1981 to the Bowes family and the rest of the land became part of the adjoining Post Office Farm in Bucknall. By 2007 the outbuildings were converted into two separate properties known as Hale Farm Bungalow and The Cottage, and Hale House was extended at the same time.